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Documents officiels (4 vols) 1993

Documents officiels (4 vols) 1993
  • version française
  • Auteur : OMI
  • I472F

  • Isbn :
  • Conditionnement : Carton

Prix TTC 96,00 €

Description :

Documents officiels de la conférence internationale de 1984 sur la responsabilité et l’indemnisation pour les dommages liés au transport par mer de certaines substances et de la conférence internationale de 1992 visant à réviser la convention de 1969 sur la responsabilité civile et la convention de 1971 portant création du fonds 1993

"The International Conference on Liability and Compensation for Damage in Connexion with the Carriage of Certain Substances by Sea, 1984, adopted the Protocol of 1984 to amend the 1969 Civil Liability Convention as well as the Protocol of 1984 to amend the 1971 Fund Convention. When it became clear that these two protocols would not enter into force in the foreseeable future, work was initiated in the International Oil Pollution Compensation Fund to elaborate new protocols with the same substantive provisions but with lower requirements for entry into force.

Following this preparatory work, IMO convened an international
conference to consider the resulting draft agreement, and in 1992 the International Conference on the Revision of the 1969 Civil Liability Convention and the 1971 Fund Convention adopted the Protocol of 1992 to amend the 1969 Civil Liability Convention and the Protocol of 1992 to amend the 1971 Fund Convention.

This publication includes the basic documents issued before the
beginning of the two international conferences, documents submitted to or issued in connection with the work of the conference committees, summary records of the plenary meetings of the conference committees, and documents of the plenary sessions, including the Final Act, text of the protocols, and resolutions adopted by the conferences."


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